
Rhema word bible church
Rhema word bible church

rhema word bible church

In fact, the truth is that this is precisely why God gave you this personal prophecy! It was not just for personal direction, although it accomplished this as well. Because you have this Rhema word from God, you are able to enter into warfare with this personal prophecy and war against the dark kingdom.

rhema word bible church

Then tragedy strikes from the dark kingdom in the form of a heart attack, the doctor says you will probably not live another year and that you will be an invalid. You don’t jump up right away and move, it must be God’s timing or it will not work out. You share this with your spouse and family, you begin to wait for God to work out the details and you continue praying. Suppose you receive a personal prophecy from a minister or prophet whom you know to be reliable let us assume in this prophecy God told you that He is calling you to start and pastor a church in a certain city. Let me illustrate a personal prophecy as a weapon. It must be emphasized that we should be reasonably sure that we have a Rhema word from God. If we do not we can shipwreck both our faith and lives.īeloved, how do we use personal prophecy to fight the good fight of faith Paul was talking about? When we know we have heard from God, we are able to take that Rhema and use it as a sword (remember the sword of the Spirit is the Rhema – revealed word) against the attack of the dark kingdom. A word from God is used to strengthen our faith and make us “hold fast” as Paul says. Whenever you receive a Rhema word from God, whether it is from a prophet or through prayer and bible study, you can use this word to fight “the fight of faith” Paul is talking about in his letter to Timothy. Amen.Ī Rhema word is a revealed word from God to you. As we begin, I pray the eyes of your understanding are opened to see and understand.

Rhema word bible church series#

This is a continuation of the Series we started titled personal prophecy and this is the second part of the series and we are going to be extensively elucidating on “ a rhema word“. Beloved of Jesus, I love you but God loves you more.

Rhema word bible church